
Sales Reps Get Hands-On with Automated & Miniaturized NGS Library Prep

Our sales team tackled miniaturized 384-well plate library prep and experienced the power of the G.PREP NGS Automation.

At DISPENDIX, we believe a strong understanding of our customers' worlds leads to better conversations. That's why our U.S. sales team gets a unique opportunity – a chance to learn the very techniques our genomics customers use every day. The Mid-Year US Commercial Meeting workshop focused on next-generation Sequencing (NGS) library prep, a crucial step in unlocking the power of DNA data.

Watch the recap video now!


The Challenge: Mastering Pipetting

While most sales reps aren't expected to be lab technicians, understanding library prep strengthens their ability to connect with customers. Our NGS expert, Joseph Strycharz, led the team through a crash course, starting with the often-daunting task of pipetting.

Micropipettes require precision and a steady hand to transfer tiny volumes of liquid accurately. Even small errors can significantly impact results. The team practiced proper technique, from choosing the right tip to maintaining a smooth, controlled press.

Library Prep Basics

Next, they tackled the Standardized & Tested Twist Bioscience Library Preparation Enzymatic Fragmentation (EF) Kit 2.0 miniaturized library prep protocol, a popular kit for preparing DNA libraries for whole genome sequencing (WGS). This multi-step process involves fragmenting DNA (in this case, high molecular weight human genomic DNA) (Fig. 1), attaching adapters, purifying the library, and amplifying it for sequencing in a 1/5 miniaturized format in a 384-well plate, which none of our sales reps had ever done before.

“I've done library prep manually before in either a tube strip format or 96-well plate format, but never 384-well format before!"


Successful miniaturization necessitates protocol optimization for reduced formats, whether that be 1/2, 1/5, up to 1/10 miniaturization. This often entails addressing intricate liquid handling challenges exacerbated by diminished sample volumes, necessitating automated liquid handling systems like the G.PREP NGS Automation solution.

Learn more about G.PREP NGS Automation

While many biopharma are downscaling chemical reactions, preserving data integrity within this paradigm shift remains challenging. DISPENDIX possesses extensive experience in miniaturizing even the most complex DNA sequencing workflows. We can facilitate up to a 90% reduction in reaction volumes relative to standard protocols while maintaining data accuracy and reliability. While not inherently complex, each step requires careful attention to detail.

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Figure 1. The DISPENDIX sales reps performed semi-automated NGS library prep using high molecular weight human genomic DNA.

One critical step is DNA purification, often done using magnetic beads. While seemingly straightforward, it has its own set of challenges, like ensuring the beads are fully resuspended and avoiding disturbing the pellet during transfer.

“The bead clean-up is pretty bad without the G.PURE NGS Clean-Up Device.”


The Difference Between Manual vs. Automated

The sales team put their newfound skills to the test, performing a complete semi-automated library prep over a full day, using the G.PREP NGS Automation Solution.

The results? Not surprisingly, there was a 0% dropout rate in quality control (QC) (Fig. 2; Fig. 3) The average concentration of libraries was 79.7 ± 11.9 ng/μL and the average size was 373.7 ± 15.3 bp.

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Figure 2. DISPENDIX's lead scientist, Joseph Strycharz, ran gel electropherograms of the first six columns of the first quadrant on the 384-well plate of final libraries on the 4200 TapeStation (Agilent). 

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Figure 3. 4200 TapeStation (Agilent) trace for the sales reps' final libraries.

Automation, Consistency, & Confidence

DISPENDIX's game-changers, the G.PREP NGS Automation solution, eliminated the majority of manual pipetting, costly pipette tips, and streamlined DNA purification, minimizing user error.

All 384 libraries from the day passed QC (Fig. 2; Fig. 3). This experience highlighted the power of automation in ensuring consistency and accuracy in NGS workflows.

Benefits Beyond Results

The workshop wasn't just about achieving perfect libraries. It showcased the advantages of semi-automated NGS library prep:

  • Reduced User Error: Automation eliminates the inconsistencies and errors associated with manual pipetting, leading to less user error and more reliable results.
  • Increased Efficiency: Automated liquid handling systems save valuable time, allowing researchers to focus on analysis and interpretation.
  • Empowerment for All Skill Levels: The G.PREP NGS Automation solution's user-friendly interfaces make automation accessible to everyone, regardless of experience level.

“[Your data] is only as good as your error handling, and the fact that [the I.DOT] can recover that on the spot and provides real-time verification is amazing."


Confidence in Every Sample

By removing the guesswork from liquid handling, the I.DOT Non-Contact Dispenser and G.PURE NGS Clean-Up Device ensure every library prep is precise and accurate. This translates into confidence in the data generated, allowing researchers to make informed decisions based on reliable results.

Sales Reps Turned Science Advocates

The sales team's experience serves as a powerful testament to the value of automation in NGS. Now, they can speak with even greater authority about the challenges and solutions researchers face in their daily work.

Imagine a lab where everyone can confidently perform complex tasks with ease. DISPENDIX makes it a reality. Get a quote today and see how automation can transform your NGS workflow!

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