
TWIST EF Kit 2.0 Fully Automated Workflow on the G.STATION - NGS Workstation for Genomics

The G.STATION automates genomics library preparation from sample to library, enabling an automated workflow without manual intervention.

Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) enables researchers to elucidate the genetic composition of individuals, to characterize gene expression, and to look for rare variants that are associated with disease NGS is an invaluable tool for researchers across a wide range of fields, including oncology research, molecular diagnostics, and even ancestry.

The increasing use of NGS as a routine approach genetic analysis drives the need for robust, high-quality and reproducible library construction that can be executed by any laboratory technician. The G.STATION NGS Workstation has been designed and built to construct NGS libraries in a fully automated manner. It simply requires users to load reagents and samples onto the workstation, to press start and then to walk away to come back up to 96 sequencing ready NGS libraries.


A fully automated solution for NGS Library Prep enables researchers to allocate their time to more intellectual contributions around the NGS workflow, such as data analysis or the planning of downstream experiments rather than manually pipetting and moving microplates between instruments. Key benefits of the G.STATION include:

  • Ultra-low dead volume non-contact reagent dispensing to save tips and prevent carryover
  • On-deck thermal cycler and temperature/shaking modules for automated incubations and amplification
  • Automated, tip-free, bead-based clean-ups for high yield and high purity DNA purification
  • Fully traceable process from sample to library
  • A library of standardized and tested protocols available in the DISPENDIX cloud platform.

The G.STATION contains all the tools necessary to accomplish successful library prep, by combining the L.DROP Liquid handler with on deck thermal cycling, shaking and temperature control with the G.PURE, a tip-free solution for the bead-based cleanup, and the I.DOT, a non-contact enzyme dispenser, all of which are accessible and connected by the L.MOVE, a collaborative robotic arm.

The Twist Library Preparation Enzymatic Fragmentation (EF) 2.0 Kit contains the reagents for the library preparation of genomic DNA (gDNA). It uses enzymatic gDNA fragmentation and the Twist Unique Adapter System. The resulting libraries are compatible with Illumina®-sequencing platforms. The yield and size of the libraries generated with the G.STATION are equivalent to manual preparation, while the automated workflow offers a few significant advantages:

  • Significant reduction in hands-on-time
  • Standardized workflow for reliable results
  • Elimination of pipetting errors
  • Less reagent waste due to low dead volume
  • Knowledgeable support structure
  • Web-based software for remote monitoring and workflow traceability.

In this application note, we highlight the G.STATION NGS Workstation as a full and trustworthy solution for NGS library construction, as demonstrated by the high yield and highly uniform NGS libraries generated through full workflow automation of the TWIST Enzymatic Fragmentation 2.0 Kit.

The G.STATION fully automates the library preparation process from sample to library with zero manual intervention required. The DISPENDIX Cloud Platform provides standardized and tested protocols that can be run by any lab technician regardless of automation experience. With 10 minutes of hands-on time loading a sample plate and reagents onto the deck of the G.STATION NGS workstation, any lab can quickly produce high-quality NGS libraries within days of installation. Due to the use of a instruments designed specifically for addressing NGS workflow steps, a reagent dispenser and a bead-based clean-up instrument, the G.STATION utilizes a fraction of the tips required by traditional automated platforms, and reliably generates high-quality libraries with an unparalleled speed and reproducibility.

Click here to download the application note and review the workflow and the quality control analysis of the generated high-quality libraries.

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